Multiple Choice Questions


In Pinus, male cone bears a large number of

  • ligules

  • anthers

  • micro- sporophylls

  • mega- sporophylls


micro- sporophylls

Micro-sporophylls or mega- sporophylls are the leaf like structures on which microsporangia and megasporangia are borne on the same plant of Pinus

(a) Male cones (microstrobili)- are small

(b) Female cones (ovulate strobili)- are large

Each male cone consists of an elongated axis containing number of micro- sporophylls. Underside of same develops 2 microsporangia and gets filled with microspores (pollen grains).

Anther or microsporangium is the male reproductive structure of angiosperm.

Ligule, is a tongue- like membranous outgrowth, present on upper surface, near the base of the microphyllous leaf in pteridophytes.


Cleavage polyembryony occurs in

  • Pinus

  • Mini Cycas

  • Cycas

  • Ephedra

Initiation codon is

  • UUU

  • UGA

  • AUG

  • UAG

DNA element with ability to change position is called

  • cistron

  • transposon

  • intron

  • recon

DNA mutiplication is called

  • translation

  • replication

  • transduction

  • transcription


Which is always present in photochemical smog?

  • O3

  • CO2

  • SO2

  • CH4

Lichen is the pioneer vegetation on which succession?

  • Hydrosere

  • Lithosere

  • Psammosere

  • Xerosere

The soil which is transported by wind is known as

  • colluvial

  • eolian

  • aluvial

  • glacial soil

Decomposers are

  • autotrophs

  • autoheterotrophs

  • organotrophs

  • heterotrophs


Streptomycin is obtained from

  • Streptomyces griseus

  • S. aureofaciens

  • S. venezuelae

  • S. ramosus