Multiple Choice Questions


The "Repeating Unit" of glycogen is

  • fructose

  • mannose

  • glucose

  • galactose



Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in humans, animals, fungi, and bacteria. The polysaccharide structure represents the main storage form of glucose in the body.


The major site of protein breakdown to form free amino acids is in the

  • kidney

  • spleen

  • liver

  • bone-marrow

Cells in G0 phase of cell cycle

  • exit cell cycle

  • enter cell cycle

  • suspend cell cycle

  • terminate cell cycle

The duration of cardiac cycle is

  • 0.8 s

  • 0.8 µs

  • 0.08 s

  • 0.008 s

The resolving power of a compound microscope will increase with

  • decrease in wavelength of light and increase in numerical aperture

  • increase in wavelength of light and decrease in numerical aperture

  • increase in both wavelength of light and numerical aperture 

  • decrease in both wavelength of light and numerical aperture


Choose the correct non-protein amino acid

  • hydroxyproline

  • hydroxylysine

  • cystine

  • y-amino butyric acid

Collagen is a

  • phosphoprotein

  • globulin

  • derived protein

  • scleroprotein

Pellagra is caused due to deficiency of the vitamin

  • thiamine

  • niacinn

  • pyridoxin

  • biotin

The specific region of hypothalamus, responsible for physiological sweat secretion, is

  • para-ventricular nucleus

  • supra-optic nucleus

  • median eminence

  • pars distalis


Osteomalacia is a disease caused by the deficiency of

  • calciferol

  • tocopherol

  • retinol

  • phylloquinone