Multiple Choice Questions


Pernicious anaemia results due to deficiency of

  • vitamin-B1

  • vitamin-A

  • vitamin-B12

  • iron



Pernicious anemia is one of the vitamin B-12 deficiency anemias. It's caused by an inability to absorb the vitamin B-12 needed for your body to make enough healthy red blood cells.


Cellular totipotency was first demonstrated by

  • F C Steward

  • Robert Hooke

  • T Schwann

  • A v Leeuwenhoek

Goitre can occur as a consequence of all the following except

  • iodine deficiency

  • pituitary adenoma

  • Grave's disease

  • excessive intake of exogenous thyroxin

Graham's law is correlated with

  • diffusion

  • osmoregulation

  • osmosis

  • absorption

Choose the minor carp from the following

  • Cyprinus carpio

  • Anguilla sp

  • Labeo bata

  • cetanophyrngodon idella


Generally artificial pace-maker consists of one battery made up of

  • nickel

  • dry cadmium

  • photo sensitive material

  • lethium

Which of the following does not act as a neurotransmitter

  • Acetylcholine

  • Epinephrine

  • Glutamic acid

  • Tyrosine

Which of the following substances yield less than 4 kcal/mol when its phosphate bond is hydrolysed

  • Creatine phosphate

  • ADP

  • Glucose-6-phosphate

  • ATP

The generation of excitation-contraction coupling involves all the following events except

  • generation of end-plate potential

  • release of calcium from troponin

  • formation of cross-linkages between actin and myosin

  • hydrolysis of ATP to ADP


The genetic deficiency of ADH-receptor leads to

  • diabetes mellitus

  • glycosuria

  • diabetes insipidus

  • nephrogenic diabetes