Multiple Choice Questions


The instrument used for measuring blood pressure is

  • electrocardiograph

  • X-rays

  • sphygmomanometer

  • electroencephalograph



Sphygmomanometer, commonly called blood pressure apparatus, is an instrument for measuring blood pressure.

Electrocardiograph is a machine used for electrocardiography.

X- rays are a type of radiation called electromagnetic waves.

Electroencephalograph is a machine used for electroencephalography.


Earthworms are economically important for man as these are used as

  • bait for catching fish

  • food of poultry

  • medicine for gout

  • All of the above

Proximal and distal convoluted tubules are parts of a

  • nephron

  • oviduct

  • vas deferens

  • caecum

Posterior pituitary gland

  • produces and store hormones

  • stores 6 trophic honnones

  • stores and releases ADH and oxytocin

  • release and store growth and thyroid stimulating hormone

Which of the following is a part of pectoral girdle?

  • Ilium

  • Ischium

  • Acetabulum

  • Glenoid cavity


Heart sound dub is caused due to closing of

  • valve

  • tricuspid valve

  • semilunar valve

  • None of the above

Heart beats originates from

  • pace maker

  • cardiac muscles

  • left atrium

  • right ventricle

Gonadotrophins are secreted from

  • gonads

  • anterior pituitary

  • posterior pituitary

  • antidiuretic hormone

Cranial nerve showing maximum branching is

  • trigeminal

  • vagus

  • optic

  • facial


Water vascular system is characteristic of

  • Protozoa

  • Porifera

  • Annelida

  • Echinodermata