Multiple Choice Questions


Process of maturation and development of sperms is called

  • oogenesis

  • spermatogenesis 

  • spermiogenesis

  • None of these



Spermatogenesis is the process of the formation of haploid spermatozoa (sperms), from the undifferentiated diploid primordial germ cells of the testes. It involves multiplication phase, growth phase, whereas spermiogenesis is the process of transformation of spermatids - into spermatozoa (sperms) which involves differentiation phase.


Which of the following is a mismatch?

  • Giraffe - Lamarck

  • Drosophila - Morgan

  • Galapagos island - Darwin's finches

  • Origin of species - Mendel

The causative agent of filaria is

  • Wuchereria bancrofti

  • Leishmania donovani

  • Plasmodium vivax

  • Trypanosoma gambiens

Archaeopteryx is

  • a living fossil

  • a mammal

  • a connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda

  • a connecting link between reptiles and birds

A woman has a haemophilic son and three normal children. Her genotype and that of her husband with respect to this gene would be

  • XX and XhY

  • XhXh and XhY

  • XhXh and XY

  • XhX and XY


Which of the following is a mismatch?

  • Amphetamine - a stimulant

  • Morphine - an opiate narcotic

  • LSD - a hallucinogen

  • Cocaine - a sedative/ tranquillizer

A normal woman is married with a man having hypertrichosis condition. They got one daughter and one son. What is the possibility of this daughter to have hypertrichosis condition?

  • 0%

  • 25%

  • 50%

  • 100%

Which of the following is not related to sex chromosome X or Y?

  • Turner's syndrome

  • Klinefelter's syndrome

  • Down's syndrome

  • Haemophilia and colour bindness

AZT is the treatment of

  • malaria

  • AIDS

  • TB

  • kala-azar


Which of the following embryonic membranes structure is excretory in function?

  • Amnion

  • Allantois

  • Yolk sac

  • Vitelline chorion