Multiple Choice Questions


A normal woman is married with a man having hypertrichosis condition. They got one daughter and one son. What is the possibility of this daughter to have hypertrichosis condition?

  • 0%

  • 25%

  • 50%

  • 100%



The inheritance of hypertrichosis is controlled by holandric genes present on the non-homologous part of Y-chromosome. These genes are usually received and usually expressed by all the male descendants of affected male generation after generation while female descendants, being lacking this non-homologous Y-region could neither receive, express, nor transmit such a trait.


Process of maturation and development of sperms is called

  • oogenesis

  • spermatogenesis 

  • spermiogenesis

  • None of these

AZT is the treatment of

  • malaria

  • AIDS

  • TB

  • kala-azar

Which of the following is a mismatch?

  • Amphetamine - a stimulant

  • Morphine - an opiate narcotic

  • LSD - a hallucinogen

  • Cocaine - a sedative/ tranquillizer

Which of the following is not related to sex chromosome X or Y?

  • Turner's syndrome

  • Klinefelter's syndrome

  • Down's syndrome

  • Haemophilia and colour bindness


Which of the following embryonic membranes structure is excretory in function?

  • Amnion

  • Allantois

  • Yolk sac

  • Vitelline chorion

Which of the following is a mismatch?

  • Giraffe - Lamarck

  • Drosophila - Morgan

  • Galapagos island - Darwin's finches

  • Origin of species - Mendel

Archaeopteryx is

  • a living fossil

  • a mammal

  • a connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda

  • a connecting link between reptiles and birds

A woman has a haemophilic son and three normal children. Her genotype and that of her husband with respect to this gene would be

  • XX and XhY

  • XhXh and XhY

  • XhXh and XY

  • XhX and XY


The causative agent of filaria is

  • Wuchereria bancrofti

  • Leishmania donovani

  • Plasmodium vivax

  • Trypanosoma gambiens