Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following. is generally used in chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, bleeding, piles, leucorrhoea etc?

  • Quinine

  • Ephidrine

  • Chir

  • Catha



Cattha is generally used for disorders in which a mild non-irritating and powerful astringent is required, such as chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, bleeding, piles, leucorrhoea etc.


A hyaline bisexual and self-fertilized flower that does not open at all is

  • chasmogamaus

  • apogamous

  • cleistogamous

  • polygamous

Triticum vulgare has been found to be presently evolved as

  • diploid

  • tetraploid

  • pentaploid

  • hexaploid

Late blight of potato is caused by

  • Cystopus

  • Phytophthora

  • Alternaria

  • Ustilago

The growth of pollen tube towards embryo sac is

  • geotropism

  • chemotaxis

  • thigmotaxis

  • phototaxis


The number of RNA molecules in 60S sub- particles of 80S ribosomes are

  • five 

  • four

  • three

  • two

Vaccines prepared by genetic engineering are safe to man because they are

  • least active form of virus

  • active form of virus

  • coat protein formed as antibody

  • All of the above

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized in

  • nucleolus

  • nucleosome

  • cytoplasm

  • ribosome

Wildlife is destroyed most when

  • there is lack of proper care

  • mass scale hunting for foreign trade

  • its natural habitat is destroyed

  • natural calamity


Science of engineering and technology applied to life sciences is

  • Biotechnology

  • Genetic engineering

  • Pathology

  • Biological science