Multiple Choice Questions


First National Park developed in India is

  • Gir

  • Kaziranga

  • Jim Corbett

  • None of these


Jim Corbett

National Park is an area strictly reserved for the betterment of wildlife and other activities like forestry. The first National Park was Jim Corbett National Park established in 1935.

National Park State Protected Animal
Jim Corbett UK Tiger
Kaziranga Assam Elephant
Gir National Park Gujarat Lion



Bacteria are considered plant because they

  • are green in colour

  • have rigid cell wall

  • have chlorophyll

  • have stomata

Tree of life is

  • arbor vitae

  • pons Varolii

  • organ of Corti

  • diencephalon

Eustachian canal connects

  • middle ear with external ear

  • middle ear with internal ear

  • external ear with internal ear

  • pharynx with middle ear

Which is common between earthworm, leech and centipede?

  • They have Malphigian tubules

  • They are hermaphrodite

  • They have ventral nerve cord

  • None of the above


Which of the following have notochord throughout life?

  • Birds

  • Fish

  • Snake

  • Amphioxus

During unfavourable conditions, the sponges form

  • cyst

  • encyst

  • spicule

  • Gemmule

Which of the following is a respiratory disease?

  • Polio

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Cancer

Shell of molluscs is derived from

  • foot

  • mantle

  • ctenidia

  • placoid


Sciatic vein of frog opens in

  • heart

  • kidney

  • pelvic region

  • liver