Multiple Choice Questions


In which form does the food is transported in plants?

  • Sucrose

  • Fructose

  • Glucose

  • Lactose



Translocation is the movement of organic nutrients from the region of source or supply to the region of sink or utilisation. It mainly occurs through phloem and is translocated in the form of sucrose. Sucrose is a disaccharide, relatively inactive and highly soluble sugar.


Endoplasmic reticulum is in continuation with

  • Golgi body

  • nuclear wall

  • mitochondria

  • cell wall

Lady finger belongs to family

  • Malvaceae

  • Cucurbitaceae

  • Liliaceae

  • Brassiaceae

An obligate root parasite is

  • Rafflesia

  • Loranthus

  • Viscum

  • Striga

The edible dry fruit 'chigoza' is

  • fruit of Cycas

  • fruit of Pinus gerardiana

  • seed of Cycas

  • seed of Pinus gerardiana


Botanical name of 'chana' is

  • Cicer arietinum

  • Phaseolus aureus

  • Lablab purpureus

  • Dolichos

What differentiates leaf of dicots from monocots?

  • Parallel venation

  • Differentiation of palisade and spongy parenchyma

  • Stomata only on upper side

  • Stomata both on upper and lower sides

Trimerous flower, superior ovary and axile placentation is characteristics of

  • Liliaceae

  • Cucurbitaceae

  • Solanaceae

  • Compositae

During meiotic division, the

  • homologous chromosomes are seperated

  • linkage is disturbed

  • homologous chromosomes do not segregate

  • All of the above


Pappus is modified

  • calyx

  • corolla

  • bracts

  • gynoecium