Multiple Choice Questions


What is mitoplast?

  • Membraneless mitochondria

  • Another name of mitochondria

  • Mitochondria without outer membrane

  • Mitochondria without inner membrane


Mitochondria without outer membrane

Mitoplast is a mitochondrion without the outer membrane.


Which one is diaminodicarboxylic amino acid?

  • Cystine

  • Lysine

  • Cysteine

  • Aspartic acid

Rh factor can produce disease

  • AIDS

  • Turner's syndrome

  • Erythroblastosis foetalis

  • Sickle-cell anaemia

The outer covering of cartilage is called

  • peritonium

  • periosteum

  • endosteum

  • perichondrium

Which one is the cofactor of carbonic anhydrase?

  • Iron (Fe)

  • Zinc (Zn)

  • Copper (Cu)

  • Magnesium (Mg)


Bacteriophages kill

  • fungi

  • parasites

  • bacteria

  • viruses

Vitamin-D is produced in human body in

  • muscles

  • nerves

  • skin

  • bone marrow

Which of the following is not a conjugated protein?

  • Peptone

  • Phosphoprotein

  • Lipoprotein

  • Chromoprotein

The blood does not clot inside the body because of

  • oxygenation of blood

  • movement of blood

  • heparin in blood

  • absence of fibrinogen in blood


Red cell count is carried out by

  • haemocytometer

  • haemoglobinometer

  • sphygmomanometer

  • electrocardiogram