Multiple Choice Questions


One animal that does not perform locomotion is

  • Sycon

  • Nereis

  • Sepia

  • Euglena



Sycon (Scypha) is a sponge and does not perform locomotion. It is a genus of calcareous sponges belonging to family-Scyettidae, Class-Calcaronea and phylum-Porifera. These sponges are small, growing upto 5 cm in total length, and are tube shaped and often white to cream in colour.


The phrase "Omnis cellula e cellula' was given by

  • Virchow

  • Pasteur

  • Schleiden

  • Brown

Heterocysts are present in

  • Riccia

  • Ulothrix

  • Albugo

  • Nostoc

In Ruscus, the stem is a

  • Phyllode

  • Cladode

  • Offset

  • Sucker

In most fungi, cell wall is chiefly made of

  • Cellulose

  • Chitin

  • Protein

  • Lipid


Animals of class-Mammalia have

  • Seven cervical vertebrae

  • Seven cranial nerve

  • Single ventricular chamber

  • Fourteen cervical vertebrae

The basic unit of classification is

  • Species

  • Genus

  • Family

  • Phylum

Glycogenolysis involves

  • Conversion of sugar into glycogen

  • Oxidation of Sugar

  • Conversion of glycogen into sugar

  • Conversion of glycogen into fat

Apoenzyme is

  • Protein

  • Carbohydrate

  • Vitamin

  • Amino acid


Nucleic acid is absent in

  • Virus

  • Viroid

  • Prion

  • Mycoplasma