Multiple Choice Questions


Name the following having oxygen storing capacity

  • myoglobin

  • prophase- II

  • anaphase- I

  • metaphase- II



Myogobin is a typical gobular protein. It stores O2 in tissue of the body ready for when the cells require it. The highest concentration of myoglobin found in skeletal and cardiac muscles.


Which of the following substances can cure Parkinson's disease?

  • GABA

  • Acetylcholine

  • Dopamine

  • Glutamic acid

Tetany is caused by

  • hyperparathyroidism

  • hypoparathyroidism

  • hyperthyroidism

  • hypothyroidism

Kupffer's cells are

  • phagocytic

  • actin

  • myosin

  • fibrin

Meissner's corpuscles occur in

  • brain

  • nerve cells

  • skin

  • tongue


Longest phase of meiosis

  • prophase- I

  • prophase- II

  • anaphase- I

  • metaphase- II

Which centre is stimulated during increase in body temperature?

  • Anterior hypothalamus

  • Posterior hypothalamus

  • Limbic system

  • Red nucleus

Which function will be lost due to damage of occipetal lobe?

  • Hearing

  • Speech

  • Vision

  • Memory

Movement of tongue muscle is controlled by

  • facial nerve

  • trigeminal nerve

  • hypoglossal nerve

  • vagus nerve


Which the following is a gastrointestine hormone?

  • Prolactin

  • Enterogastrone

  • GH

  • FSH