Multiple Choice Questions


Kidney stones are crystals of

  • sodium chloride

  • silica

  • calcium oxalate

  • potassium chloride


calcium oxalate

Kidney stones are commonly crystals of calcium oxalate and the patients are therefore, advised to avoid spinach, rhubarb and asparagus in their diet.


Iron is stored in bone marrow as

  • haemosedrin

  • ferritin

  • haematin

  • None of these

In human beings, which hormone acts as a mild growth hormone?

  • Prolactin

  • Oestrogen

  • Progesterone

  • Cortisol

During mitosis nuclear membrane disappears at

  • early prophase

  • late prophase

  • metaphase

  • anaphase

All the following are the properties of skeletal muscles except

  • excitability

  • contractility

  • rhythmicity

  • toxicity


Red muscle cells are rich in

  • only myosin

  • haemoglobin and glucose

  • lactic acid and acetic acid

  • myoglobin and cytochrome

In testis of frog, there are no

  • Sertoli cells

  • spermatocytes

  • spermatids

  • intestinal cells

The controlling centre of cell is

  • nucleus

  • nucleolus

  • mitochondria

  • ribosome

One difference in breathing mechanism of frog and rabbit is that

  • expansion of frog's lungs is not much

  • abdominal movements more in frog

  • diaphragm and rib muscles play important role in rabbit

  • air reaching frog's lungs is to cool


Pepsin acts in

  • basic medium

  • acidic medium

  • neutral medium

  • All of these