Multiple Choice Questions


The naked seeded plants are the

  • gymnosperms

  • monocots

  • dicots

  • All of these



Fruits are the structures that develop from maturing flower ovaries, and seeds develop from ovules inside the ovaries. Therefore, since gymnosperms have no ovaries, they do not produce fruits. Hence, they have naked seeds.


Enucleated cells at maturity are

  • palisade cells

  • guard cells

  • companion cells

  • sieve elements

Catkin inflorescence is characteristic of

  • Morus

  • Triticum

  • Ficus

  • All of these

Diadelphy can be found in

  • Pisum

  • Citrus

  • Bombax

  • Brassica

Sunken stomata are present in

  • mesophyte

  • xerophyte

  • epiphytes

  • All of these


In Gloriosa, the tendrillar part is formed by

  • stipule

  • leaf apex

  • leaf petiole

  • axillary bud

One of the following is not a flower

  • Shoe flower

  • Passion flower

  • Sunflower

  • May flower

Pollinia are found in

  • Rubiaceae

  • Asteraceae

  • Asclepiadaceae

  • Myrtaceae

Wood commonly used for making cricket bat is

  • Cedrus

  • Salix

  • Tectona

  • Morus


Fruit of Hibiscus esculentus is

  • capsule

  • cypsela

  • legume

  • pome