Multiple Choice Questions


Pollinia are found in

  • Rubiaceae

  • Asteraceae

  • Asclepiadaceae

  • Myrtaceae



Pollinia are characteristic of Asclepiadaceae and have sticky discs corpuscula.


Fruit of Hibiscus esculentus is

  • capsule

  • cypsela

  • legume

  • pome

Enucleated cells at maturity are

  • palisade cells

  • guard cells

  • companion cells

  • sieve elements

One of the following is not a flower

  • Shoe flower

  • Passion flower

  • Sunflower

  • May flower

Diadelphy can be found in

  • Pisum

  • Citrus

  • Bombax

  • Brassica


Wood commonly used for making cricket bat is

  • Cedrus

  • Salix

  • Tectona

  • Morus

In Gloriosa, the tendrillar part is formed by

  • stipule

  • leaf apex

  • leaf petiole

  • axillary bud

The naked seeded plants are the

  • gymnosperms

  • monocots

  • dicots

  • All of these

Sunken stomata are present in

  • mesophyte

  • xerophyte

  • epiphytes

  • All of these


Catkin inflorescence is characteristic of

  • Morus

  • Triticum

  • Ficus

  • All of these