Multiple Choice Questions


Cholecystokinin stimulates the secretion of

  • bile

  • gastric juice

  • pancreatic juice

  • succus entericus



In the intestine, the acidity of food stimulates the mucosa of a duodenum to secrete the hormones secretin, pancreozymin, cholecystokinin and enterokinin. The first two activate the pancreas to secrete pancreatic juice, cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulates gall bladder to eject bile into the intestine while enterokinin stimulates the intestine to secrete its own intestinal juice.


Brunner's gland is present in

  • duodenum

  • jejunum

  • ileum

  • rectum

Which one of the following statement is incorrect?

  • Glucagon is secreted by pancreas

  • Androgen is produced by ovary

  • Thyroxine is secreted by thyroid

  • Oxytocin is secreted by pituitary

Which one of the following is mainly responsible for the second heart sound?

  • Closure of atrioventricular valves

  • Opening of atrioventricular valves

  • Closure of semilunar valves

  • Thrust of blood on ventricular wall during atrial contraction

Amount of oxygen supplied by 100 mL arterial blood while passing through the tissues is

  • 0.4 - 0.6 mL

  • 4 - 6mL

  • 14 - 15 mL

  • 19 - 20 mL


Which vitamin helps in blood coagulation?

  • Vitamin- K

  • Vitamin- C

  • Vitamin- A

  • Vitamin- D

Which one of the following is incorrect for Atherosclerosis?

  • Constriction of arterial luman reduces the blood flow

  • Loss of dilatation ability of the arterial wall and its rupture

  • Cholesterol deposition at the inner wall of the artery

  • Proliferation of the vascular muscles

Bone is mainly composed of

  • iron and phosphorus

  • sulphur and calcium

  • calcium and phosphorus

  • calcium and magnesium

In a normal adult human, the average cardiac output (stroke volume) is

  • 47 mL

  • 70 mL

  • 5 L

  • 3.3 L


Juxtaglomerular apparatus is made up of

  • juxtaglomerular cell, macula densa and lacis cell

  • juxtaglomerular cell, Purkinje cell and chied cell

  • juxtaglomerular cell, lads cell and myoepithelial cell

  • juxtaglomerular cell, macula densa and Argentaffin cell