Multiple Choice Questions


Xenogamy is essentially a type of

  • cleistogamy

  • allogamy

  • autogamy

  • homogamy



Xenogamy is true cross-pollination, i.e., allogamy which involves the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another, genetically dissimilar plant.

Cleistogamy is a type of automatic self-pollination of certain plants that can propagate by using non-opening, self-pollinating flowers. 

Autogamy or self-fertilization, is the fusion of two gametes that come from one individual. It is predominantly observed in the form of self-pollination, a reproductive mechanism employed by many flowering plants.

Homogamy is a state in which the flowers of a plant are all of one type either hermaphrodite or of the same sex.


Presence of which of the following hormone in the urine confirms pregnancy?

  • Progesterone

  • Oestrogen

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin

  • Prolactin

Basic principle of developing transgenic plants and animals is to introduce the gene of interest into the nucleus of

  • somatic cell

  • vegetative cell

  • germ cell

  • body cell

The volume of 'Anatomical Dead Space' air is normally

  • 230 mL

  • 210 mL

  • 190 m

  • 150 mL

Which one of. the following animals possesses giant chromosome?

  • Drosophila

  • Mouse

  • Pigeon

  • Elephant


Which one of the following triplet codon is known as initiation codon?

  • UUU

  • UAA

  • AUG

  • UGA

If you want to develop hybrid seeds within a bisexual flower, the following part needs to be removed from the same flower

  • stigma

  • ovary

  • anther

  • oviduct

In plant tissue culture, the callus tissues can be regenerated into complete plantlets primarily by altering the concentration of

  • sugars

  • vitamins

  • amino acids

  • hormones

Mammals have originated from which of the following

  • Pisces

  • Amphibia

  • Reptilia

  • Aves


Which pairs of the following diseases are caused by two genes located on human X-chromosomes?

  • Colour blindness and phenylketonuria

  • Colour blindness and haemophilia

  • Colour blindness and albinism

  • Colour blindness and hypertrichosis