Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following pairs of plants are not seed producers?

  • Funaria and Ficus

  • Fern and Funaria

  • Funada and Pinus

  • Ficus and Chlamydomonas


Fern and Funaria

Seed producing plants belong to Spermatophyta. It includes gymnosperms and angiosperms. Seed originated in gymnosperms. Fern and Funaria belong to pteridophytes and bryophytes respectively. So, they do not reproduce by producing seeds. 


First vascular plant is

  • Thallophyta

  • Pteridophyta

  • Bryophyta

  • Spermatophyta

Which one of the following is heterosporous?

  • Equisetum

  • Dryopteris

  • Salvinia

  • Adianturn

Which of the following is an epidermal cell containing chloroplast?

  • Stomata

  • Hydathode

  • Guard cell

  • None of these

The year 1900 AD is highly significant for geneticists due to

  • Discovery of genes

  • Principle of linkage

  • Chromosome theory of heredity

  • Rediscovery of Mendelism


Diatomaceous earth is obtained from

  • Bacillarophyceae

  • Xanthophyceae

  • Rhodophyceae

  • Chrysophyceae

The structures present in the roots to absorb water and minerals is

  • Epidermal extensions

  • Hypodermis

  • Endodermis

  • Epidermal appendages

 Match the following with correct combination.

Column I Column II
A. Cuscuta 1. Saprophyte
B. Eichhornia 2. Pneumatophare
C. Monotropa 3. Insectivorous plant
D. Rhizophora 4. Parasite
E. Utricularia 5. Root pocket

  • A
    B C D E
    3 1 5 4 2
  • A B C D E
    2 3 1 5 4
  • A B C D E
    4 3 1 5 2
  • A B C D E
    4 5 1 2 3

Which of the following cross will produce terminal flower in garden pea?

  • AA x Aa

  • AA x aa

  • Aa x Aa

  • Aa x AA


F1-generation means

  • First filial generation

  • First seed generation

  •  First flowering generation

  • First fertile generation