Multiple Choice Questions


The structures present in the roots to absorb water and minerals is

  • Epidermal extensions

  • Hypodermis

  • Endodermis

  • Epidermal appendages


Epidermal extensions

Epidermal extensions are always unicellular, while epidermal appendages may be uni or multicellular. Root hairs are epidermal extensions formed by outward elongated bulging of a wall of epidermal cells.


First vascular plant is

  • Thallophyta

  • Pteridophyta

  • Bryophyta

  • Spermatophyta

Diatomaceous earth is obtained from

  • Bacillarophyceae

  • Xanthophyceae

  • Rhodophyceae

  • Chrysophyceae

Which one of the following pairs of plants are not seed producers?

  • Funaria and Ficus

  • Fern and Funaria

  • Funada and Pinus

  • Ficus and Chlamydomonas

The year 1900 AD is highly significant for geneticists due to

  • Discovery of genes

  • Principle of linkage

  • Chromosome theory of heredity

  • Rediscovery of Mendelism


Which of the following cross will produce terminal flower in garden pea?

  • AA x Aa

  • AA x aa

  • Aa x Aa

  • Aa x AA

Which of the following is an epidermal cell containing chloroplast?

  • Stomata

  • Hydathode

  • Guard cell

  • None of these

F1-generation means

  • First filial generation

  • First seed generation

  •  First flowering generation

  • First fertile generation

 Match the following with correct combination.

Column I Column II
A. Cuscuta 1. Saprophyte
B. Eichhornia 2. Pneumatophare
C. Monotropa 3. Insectivorous plant
D. Rhizophora 4. Parasite
E. Utricularia 5. Root pocket

  • A
    B C D E
    3 1 5 4 2
  • A B C D E
    2 3 1 5 4
  • A B C D E
    4 3 1 5 2
  • A B C D E
    4 5 1 2 3


Which one of the following is heterosporous?

  • Equisetum

  • Dryopteris

  • Salvinia

  • Adianturn