Multiple Choice Questions


The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to

  • the absence of myofibrils in the central portion of A-band

  • the central gap between myosin filaments in the A-band

  • the central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band

  • extension of myosin filaments in the central portion of the A-band


the central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band

H-zone in skeletal muscle is the central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band. Alternate arrangement of dark and light bands gives the striated appearance to a skeletal muscle. At the centre of A-band, a comparatively less dark zone called H-zone is present. In the centre of H-zone, M-line is present, formed by the threats that connect the myofilaments.


Which of the following are correctly matched with respect to their taxonomic classification?

  • Flying fish, cuttlefish, silverfish - Pisces

  • Centipede, millipede, spider, scorpion - Insecta

  • House fly, butterfly, tse-tse fly, silverfish - Insecta

  • Spiny anteater, sea urchin, sea cucumber - Echinodermata

One of the representative of Phylum - Arthropoda is

  • cuttlefish

  • silverfish

  • pufferfish

  • flying fish

Which of the following is not correctly matched for the organism and its cell wall degrading enzyme?

  • Bacteria - Lysozyme

  • Plant cells - Cellulase

  • Algae - Methylase

  • Fungi - Chitinase

Which group of animals belong to the same phylum?

  • Malarial parasite, Amoeba, mosquito

  • Earthworm, pinworm, tapeworm

  • Prawn, scorpion, Locusta

  • Sponge, sea anemone, starfish


What external changes are visible after the last moult of a cockroach nymph?

  • Mandibles become harder

  • Anal cerci develop

  • Both fore wings and hind wings develop

  • Labium develops

Which of the following are likely to be present in deep sea water?

  • Archaebacteria

  • Eubacteria

  • Blue-green algae

  • Saprophytic fungi

Meiosis takes place in

  • Meiocyte

  • Conidia

  • Gemmule

  • Megaspore

Which of the metabolites is common to respiration mediated breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins?

  • Glucose-6-phosphate

  • Fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate

  • Pyruvic acid

  • Acetyl Co-A


Natural reservoir of phosphorus is

  • sea water

  • animal bones

  • rock

  • fossils