Multiple Choice Questions


Many elements are found in living organisms either free or in form of compounds. One of the following is negligible is living organisms

  • Silicon

  • Magnesium

  • Iron

  • Sodium



Silicon is a micronutrient/trac element which is found only in few organisms.


Six highly chitinous plate-like teeth are found in ……. of cockroach

  • Mandible

  • Gizzard

  • Mexilla

  • Rectum

Match the enzyme in column I with its function in column II and choose the correct option.

Column I Column II
A. Beta-Galactosidase 1. Joining of DNA fragments
B. Permease 2. Peptide Bond Formation
C. Ligase 3. Hydrolysis of Lactose
D. Ribozyme 4. Increases permeability to Beta-galactosidase


  • A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

  •  A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

  • A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

  •  A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

Consider the following statements with two blanks X and Y and select the option which correctly fills up these blanks.

In the centre of the intervertebral disc, a soft area is present called ….X….....

Which is supposed to be remnant of …. Y....

  • X-Nucleus pulposus ,         Y-Nerve cord

  • X-Centrum,         Y-Noto cord

  • X-Nucleus pulposus,         Y-Noto cord

  •  X-Centrum,         Y-Nerve cord

Which of the following tissue is a vascular?

  • Cowpait bone

  • Skeletal muscle

  • Stratified squamous epithelium

  • Adipose tissue


Haemoglobin is

  • An oxygen carrier in human blood

  • A protein used as a food supplement

  • An oxygen scavenger in root nodules

  • A plant protein with high lysine content

The structure present in all adult vertebrates is

  • Notochord

  • Dorsal tubular nerve cord

  • Pharyngeal gill slits

  • All of these

 In the central nervous system, myelinated fibres form the ….., while the non-myelinated fibre cells form the ……

  • Grey matter, white matter

  • White matter, grey matter

  • Ependymal cells, neurosecretory cells

  • Neurosecretory cell, ependymal cells

If due to some injury the chordate tendinae of the tricuspid valve of the human heart is partially non-functional, what will be the immediate effect?

  • The flow of blood into the aorta will be slowed down

  • The ‘pace maker’ will stop working

  • The blood will tend to flow back into the left atrium

  • The flow of blood into the pulmonary artery will be reduced


Which of the following represent uridylic acid?

  • Uracil + Ribose

  • Uridine + Phosphoric acid

  • Uracil + Phosphoric acid

  • Uridine + Ribose + Phosphoric acid