Multiple Choice Questions


Satellite DNA is a useful tool in

  • Organ transplantation

  • Sex determination

  • Forensic science

  • Genetic engineering


Forensic science

All eukaryotes except yeast contain satellite DNA. Satellite DNA regions like NTR/RFLP are the basis of DNA fingerprinting (forensic science).


Match the following columns and choose the correct option.

Column I Column II
A. Mutation Breeding 1. The laborious and expensive process to obtain gene variation.
B. Selection 2. Hybrid vigour can be maintained for several generations
C. Hybridisation 3. Simplest and easiest method  of plant improvement.
D. Introduction Oldest breeding method
  A quick method to obtain gene variation


  • A-5, B-4, C-1, D-2

  • A-5, B-4, C-1, D-3

  • A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1

  • A-1, B-2, C-4, D-5

Probes, used in DNA fingerprinting, are initially

  • Single-stranded RNA

  • Mini-satellite

  • 19base long oligonucleotide

  •  All of the above

Stability of ecosystem depends upon

  • Primary productivity

  • Interchange between producers and consumers

  • Number of producers

  • Number of consumers

Viroids have

  • ssRNA not enclosed by a protein coat

  • ssDNA not enclosed by a protein coat

  • dsDNA enclosed by a protein coat

  •  dsRNA enclosed by protein coat


The world’s highly prized wool yielding ‘Pashmina’ breed is

  • Sheep

  • Goat

  • Goat-sheep cross

  • Kashmiri sheep-Afghan sheep cross

Biotic potential or potential natality means

  • Natural increase of population under ideal/optimum conditions

  • The potential of the organism in a biome

  • Number of organisms in a biome

  • Species of maximum number in a population

 Which of the following is not true for a species?

  • Members of a species can interbreed

  • Variations occur among members of species

  • Each species is reproductively isolated from every other species

  • Gene flow does not occur between the populations of a species

Which part of the animal virus is not produced in multiple copies?

  • Capsid

  • Proteins

  • Envelops

  • Ribosome


Aleurone grains are rich in

  • Fat

  • Protein

  • Carbohydrates

  • Auxins