Multiple Choice Questions


Which blood cells can engulf bacteria by phagocytosis?

  • Eosinophil and basophil

  • Basophil and lymphocyte

  • Neutrophil and monocyte

  • Neutrophil and lymphocyte


Neutrophil and monocyte

Phagocytosis, process by which certain living cells called phagocytes ingest or engulf other cells or particles. 

White blood cells or leucocytes are known as most active or motile constituent of blood as well as lymph the other options given i.e., neutrophil and monocyte are the types of WBC, which are phagocytic in nature and has the property of destroying foreign organisms or particles entering the body.


Which excitatory neurotransmitter is involved in the transmission of impulse at the neuromuscular junction?

  • Epinephrine

  • Serotonin

  • Acetylcholine

  • Glycine

The serous membrane which covers the lungs is called

  • pericardium

  • peritoneum

  • perichondrium

  • pleura

Which valve is present at the opening of coronary sinus?

  • Mitral valve

  • Eustachian valve

  • Thebesian valve

  • Tricaspid valve

How many ATP are produced when one molecule of FADH2 is oxidised to FAD through electron transport system?

  • 2

  • 3

  • 1

  • 4


Which of the following organs does not produce any digestive enzymes?

  • Salivary gland

  • Pancreas

  • Liver

  • Stomach

The volume of air that can be breathed in by maximum forced inspiration over and above the normal inspiration is called

  • expiratory reserved volume

  • inspiratory reserved volume

  • vital capacity

  • inspiratory capacity

Which of the following pituitary hormones is secreted without the involvement of a Releasing Hormone (RH)?

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

  • Oxytocin

  • Prolactin

Which area of cerebral cortex is responsible for the interpretation of speech?

  • Broca's area

  • Wernicke's area

  • Premotor area

  • Association area of sensory cortex


The disease that occurs in mature adult human being due to deficiency of calciferol is

  • keratomalacia

  • osteomalacia

  • glossitis

  • pernicious anaemia