Multiple Choice Questions


Peroxisomes have

  • ribosome

  • DNA

  • catalase enzyme

  • centrosome


catalase enzyme

Peroxisomes (microbodies) are small rounded organelles found free floating in the cell cytoplasm. These structures contain at least 50 enzymes and are separated from the cytoplasm by a lipid bilayer single membrane barrier. They are called peroxisomes because they all produce hydrogen peroxide. Peroxisomes produce large amount of the enzyme catalase that breakdown hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.


Elongation of internode is caused by

  • ethylene

  • gibberellin

  • abscisic acid

  • cytokinin

Select correct combination of statements for lymph.

I. It helps to maintain fluid balance of the body.

II. It is contained in lymphatic vessels and lymphatic organs in mammals.

III. It is derived from tissue fluid.

IV. It contains less antibodies than plasma.

V. Flows in both directions.

VI. It helps to conserve proteins and remove bacteria.

  • I, II, III, V

  • II, III, IV, VI

  • I, IV, V, VI

  • III, IV, V, VI

Engulfing ofsolid materials by cells is called

  • pinocytosis

  • phagocytosis

  • active transport

  • autolysis

Match the item in column I with those in column II and the choose the correct answer.

Column I Column II
A. Mitosis 1. Occurs in diploid cells only
B. Meiosis 2. Occurs in both haploid and diploid cells
  3. Daughter and parent cells have same chromosome numbers
  4. Synapsis of homologous chromosomes.

  • A- 1; B- 2

  • A- 2; B- 3

  • A- 3; B- 4

  • A- 4; B- 1


Which one of the followings is correct for the trans membrane proteins in lipid bilayer?

  • They are absent in animal cells

  • They act as channel proteins

  • They are absent in plant cells

  • They are only externally located

Which one of the following is correct for blooming of 'short day' plants?

  • The long dark period is not critical

  • It is affected by interruption of long dark period by brief exposure of light

  • It is not affected by interruption of long dark period by brief exposure of light

  • It is affected if the continuous light period is interrupted

A dicotyledonous plant forms crown gall when

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens comes in contact with the plant

  • Agrobacterium rhizogenes comes in contact with the plant

  • a specific part of DNA from the Ti-plasmid gets integrated with the plant chromosome

  • a specific part of DNA from the Ri-plasmid gets integrated with the plant chromosome

Two membrane envelops is found in

  • mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and chloroplast

  • mitochondria, nucleus and chloroplast

  • nucleus, Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum

  • nucleus, ribosome and chloroplast


Banana is an example of

  • parthenocarpy

  • apomixis

  • parthenogenesis

  • polyembryony