Multiple Choice Questions


Phenomenon involving increase in concentration of non-degradable pollutants from lower to higher trophic levels is called

  • biomagnification

  • bioaccumulation

  • biodegradation

  • bioinvasion



Biomagnification is the increase in concentration of the toxicant at successive trophic level. It happens because a toxic substance accumulated by on organism cannot be metabolised or excreted and is thus passed on to the next higher trophic level.

Bioaccumulation refers to the accumulation of substances such as pesticides or other chemicals in an organism.

Biodegradation is the chemical dissolution of organic matter by bacteria, fungi or other biological means into nutrients that can be used by other organisms.

Bioinvasion is the rapid expansion of a species into regions where it had not previously existed, often as a result of human agency.


During waste water treatment, trickling filter  is used for

  • primary treatment

  • secondary aerobic treatment

  • secondary anaerobic treatment

  • tertiary treatment

During entry into the ovum, acrosome of sperm releases

  • hyaluronidase

  • alkaline phosphorylase

  • acid phosphatase

  • carbonic anhydrase

Which one of the following hormones is responsible for uterine contraction during parturition?

  • Relaxin

  • Vasopressin

  • Oxytocin

  • Prolactin

What is the full form of MAB?

  • Man and biosphere

  • Man and biosphere reserve

  • Man and biosphere reserve programme

  • Man and biosphere programme


Relationship between DO and BOD is that they

  • are directly proportional

  • are inversely proportional

  • are not related

  • always remain equal to each other

The 'Red Data Book' records

  • species diversity of wetlands

  • list of water pollutants

  • list of threatened species

  • rate of population decline

Antibodies produced by a group of identical B-cells against a single epitope of an antigen is called

  • polyclonal antibodies

  • monoclonal antibodies

  • anti- hapten antibodies

  • somaclonal antibodies

Which one of the following information is essential to, determine the genetic map distance between two genes located on the same chromosome?

  • Length of the particular chromosome

  • Number of genes present in the particular chromosome

  • Number of nucleotides in the particular chromosome

  • Percentage of crossing over or recombinant frequency between the two genes


Which one of the following is a causative agent of plague?

  • Shigella flexner

  • Bordetella pertussi

  • Staphylococcus aureus

  • Yersinia pestis