Multiple Choice Questions


A food web is more realistic than food chain for showing the feeding relationship in an ecosystem because

  • it compares the number of consumers to the number of microorganisms in an ecosystem

  • food chains use only a small sampling of organisms

  • a food web explains why there are more producers than consumers

  • producers are usually eaten by many different consumers and most consumers are eaten by more than one predator


producers are usually eaten by many different consumers and most consumers are eaten by more than one predator

Food webs are more realistic because they show that the producers are usually eaten by many different consumers and most consumers are eaten by more than one predator. A food web is the natural interconnection of food chains and generally a graphical representation of what-eats-what in an ecological community.


The most ancient member of the genus Homo belonged to which of the following species or sub-species?

  • Fossilis 

  • Sapiens

  • Erectus

  • Habilis

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

  • Cholera - Vibrio cholerae

  • German measles - Rubella virus

  • Whooping cough - Bordetella pertussis

  • Jaundice - Pasteurella pestis

Menstrual cycle is the cyclic changes in the reproductive tract of primate females. Given below are some statements related with menstrual cycle.

I. Oestrogen is the hormone active during proliferative phase.

II. The uterine endometrium and glands grow further during secretory phase.

III. At the end of proliferative phase, corpus luteum degenerates in the ovary.

IV. The cycle ends with the menstrual phase, when menstrual flow occurs and lasts for 3-5 days.

Choose the correct option.

  • I, II and III

  • II, III and IV

  • I and II

  • III and IV

Read the following statements.

I. Ocean acts as the global sink for CO2.

II. The atmospheric input of carbon from rainfall is greater.

III. Carbon gas is exchanged between organisms and atmosphere during respiration.

IV. Human activities are increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.

Choose the incorrect options.

  • Only I

  • II and IV

  • Only III

  • None of the above


Man And Biosphere programme (MAB) was launched by UNESCO in 1971. Which of the following is not an objective of this programme?

  • To provide opportunities for education and training

  • To promote international cooperation

  • To provide long term in situ conservation of genetic diversity

  • To provide protection to wild animals fauna

Euryhaline species denotes an animal

  • without osmoregulation

  • which lives in saline water

  • which has a wide range of saline tolerance

  • which has a wide range of temperature tolerance

Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) technique involves

  • collection of eggs

  • insemination of donated sperm into woman's uterus

  • collection of sperms from the testis surgically

  • collection of sperms from efferent ducts

Darwin in the 'theory of natural selection' states that

  • characters acquired during the life of an individual are inherited by its offsprings

  • environment does not play any role in the evolution

  • natural selection acts on favourable variations, which appear among individuals of a species

  • heritable variations arises through changes in the gene complex of species


Match the following column I with column II

Column I Column II
A. Adenoma 1. Cancer of muscular tissue
B. Lipoma 2. Cancer of pigmented epithelium of skin
C. Glioma 3. Cancer of glands
D. Myoma 4. Cancer of glial cells of central nervous system
E. Melanoma 5. Cancer of adipose tissue

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 5; E - 4

  • A - 5; B - 4; C - 2; D - 1; E - 3

  • A - 4; B - 5; C - 1; D - 2; E - 3

  • A - 3; B - 5; C - 4; D - 1; E - 2