Multiple Choice Questions


Which among the following hormone binds to H2 receptor and stimulates the gastric acid secretion in stomach?

  • Gastrin

  • Serotonin

  • Histamine

  • Somatostatin



Histamine is a paracrine hormone that binds to H2 receptor and stimulates gastric acid secretion. If H2 receptors are blocked by antagonists histamine cannot bind to them and stimulate acid secretion.


Which ofthe following unsaturated fatty acid possess four double bond?

  • Arachidonic acid

  • Linolenic acid

  • Oleic acid

  • Linoleic acid

Which of the following has the largest number of chomosomes?

  • Haplopappus gracilis

  • Gaint redwood tree

  • Pisum sativum

  • Ophioglossum reticulatum

Select the organs/parts which are derivatives of Mesoderm.

I. Nervous system (except mecroglia)

II. Heart, blood vessels

III. Spleen

IV. Kidney, ureters

V. Epithelium of larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs

VI. Legaments, tendons and skin dermis

  • II, III, IV and VI

  • I and V

  • I, II and IV

  • III, VI and VI

Identify the type of placentation and its example shown in the diagram below

  • Axile placentation in lemon

  • Marginal placentation in pea

  • Parietal placentation in Brassica

  • Basal placentation in sunflower


Statement I : Sugar beet, cabbage, carrot like plants are monocarpic.

Statement II : Both vernalisation and photoperiodism are related to flowering.

  • Statement I is correct, but Statement II is incorrect

  • Statement II is correct, but Statement I is incorrect.

  • Both statements are correct.

  • Both statements are incorrect.

Synadrous condition is common in the family

  • Umbelliferal

  • Rosaceae

  • Malvaceae

  • Cucurbitaceae

Plantula is a soft adhesive pad that helps cockroach in grasping the substratum firmly on which leg podomere does it occurs?

  • Tarsus

  • Trochanter

  • Femur

  • Coxa

Match the following columns and choose the correct option from the codes given below

Column I (Type of Pressure in a cell) Column II (Characteristics)
A. Osmotic pressure 1. Provide turgidity to cells, tissues and softer organs
B. Turgor pressure 2. Control entry of water into cells
C. Wall pressure 3. Prevents bursting of cells and limits expansion
D. Diffusion pressure deficit 4. Helps in retaining water inside cells

  • A - 1; B - 3; C - 2; D - 4

  • A - 2; B - 4; C - 1; D - 3

  • A - 3; B - 2; C - 4; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 3; D - 2


Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  • Biotin is essential for metabolism of fats.

  • Calciferol is essential for maintaining levels of calcium and phosphorous in blood

  • Ascorbic acid is essential for normal clotting of blood.

  • Riboflavin is essential for releasing energy from food.