Multiple Choice Questions


Mesorchium in frog in a/an

  • Opening of conus arteriosus

  • Peritoneal fold which adheres the testis to the upper part of the kidneys

  • Part of the hind brain

  • Tissue by which ovaries are attached to the peritoneal cavity

  • Tissue by which ovaries are attached to the peritoneal cavity


Peritoneal fold which adheres the testis to the upper part of the kidneys

Mesorchium is the fibrous sheath which attaches vascular and avascular structure of spermatic card together.


Identify the phylum from the statements given below

  1. Their body is circular in cross section.
  2. They may be free living, aquatic and terrestrial or parasitic in plants and animals.
  3. They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and pseudocoelomates.

  • Cnidaria

  • Aschelminthes

  • Annelida

  • Arthropoda

  • Arthropoda

Which of the these is not a part of the anther wall?

  • Epidermis

  • Middle layers

  • Endothecium

  • Nucellus

  • Nucellus

One of these is not a feature of non-chordates

  • Absence of post-anal tail

  • Ventrally located central nervous system

  • Absence of notochord

  • Ventrally located heart

  • Ventrally located heart

Match Column I with Column II and Column III. Choose the correct option

Column I Column II Column III
1. Cnidocytes A. Ctenoplana i. Balancing
2. Statocyst B. Fasciola ii. Defense
3. Radula C. Pennatula iii. Feeding
4. Flame cells D. Locusta iv. Locomotion
5. Comb plates E. Pila v. Osmoregulation

  • 1-A-ii; 2-A-v; 3-E-iii; 4-C-i; 5-E-iv

  • 1-B-iii; 2-A-iv; 3-E-v; 4-C-ii; 5-D-i

  • 1-C-ii; 2-D-i; 3-E-iii; 4-B-v; 5-A-iv

  • 1-D-i; 2-C-ii; 3-A-v; 4-B-iii; 5-A-v

  • 1-D-i; 2-C-ii; 3-A-v; 4-B-iii; 5-A-v


Match the following regarding the morphology of cockroach and choose the correct option

Column I Column II
i. Tergites A. Forewings
ii. Tegmina B. Upper lip
iii. Hypopharynx C. Dorsal sclerite
iv. Labium D. Tongue
v. Labrum E. Lower lip

  • i - D; ii - E; iii - C; iv - B; v - A

  • i - B; ii - C; iii - E; iv - D; v - A

  • i - E; ii - A; iii - C; iv - D; v - B

  • i - C; ii - A; iii - D; iv - E; v - B

  • i - C; ii - A; iii - D; iv - E; v - B

Role of calciferous glands in the stomach of earthworm is to

  • Neutralize the humic acid in the humus

  • Produce HCI

  • Emulsify fats

  • Increase the absorptive area

  • Increase the absorptive area

Through mosaic vision, a cockroach can receive

  • Several images of an object with less sensitivity but less resolution

  • Only one image of an object with less sensitivity but less resolution

  • Several image of an object with less sensitivity but more resolution

  • Only one image of an object with less sensitivity but more resolution

  • Only one image of an object with less sensitivity but more resolution

Choose the wrong statement

  • Tight junctions helps to stop substances from leaking across a tissue

  • Adhering junctions perform cementing to keep neighbouring cells together

  • Gap junctions facilitate the cells to communicate with each other by connecting the nuclei of adjoining cells

  • The main functions of Cuboidal epithelium are secretion and absorption

  • The main functions of Cuboidal epithelium are secretion and absorption


Read the following statements and choose the correct option

(i) Aves are homoiothermous.

(ii) Pinnae are present in mammals.

(iii) Operculum is present in Chondrichthyes.

(iv) Skin of amphibians are dry and horny.

(v) Open type of circulation is found in cyclostomes.

  • (i) and (ii) only are wrong

  • (ii), (iii) and (iv) only are wrong

  • (i), (ii) and (iv) only are wrong

  • (iii), (iv) and (v) only are wrong

  • (iii), (iv) and (v) only are wrong