Multiple Choice Questions


Choose the wrong statement regarding human blood and circulatory system

  • Persons with blood group AB can receive blood from any person with any blood group

  • Calcium ions play an important role in blood clotting

  • Angina is acute chest pain when enough oxygen does not reach the brain

  • In a myogenic heart the normal activities are regulated intrinsically

  • In a myogenic heart the normal activities are regulated intrinsically


Angina is acute chest pain when enough oxygen does not reach the brain

Angina is a severe pain in the chest, which may spread to the shoulders, arma and neck, owing to an inadequate blood supply to the heart.


The collagenous connective tissue layer holding the muscle bundles together is 

  • Pleura

  • Pericardium

  • Sarcolemma

  • Fascia

  • Fascia

The central hollow portion of the human vertebra is called

  • Acromion

  • Centrum

  • Neural canal

  • Sternum

  • Sternum

Many fresh water animals cannot live for long in sea water mainly because of the

  • Change in the atmosphere

  • Change in the levels of thermal tolerance

  • variations in light intensity

  • Osmotic problems they would face

  • Osmotic problems they would face

In a cardiac cycle, if the stoke volume is 70 ml and heart rate is 72 beats/minute, then cardiac output is

  • 142 ml/minute

  • 72 ml/minute

  • 1070 ml/minute

  • 70 ml/minute

  • 70 ml/minute


This hormone reduces cellular glucose uptake and utilization

  • Glucagon

  • Insulin

  • Aldosterone

  • Thymosin

  • Thymosin

Excretory structures in Rotifers are

  • Green glands

  • Malpighian tubules

  • Flame cells

  • Gills

  • Gills

The granulocytes which secretes histamine, serotonin and heparin are

  • Neutrophilss

  • Basophils

  • Eosinophils

  • Lymphocytes

  • Lymphocytes

The main function of the lacteals in the villi of human small intestine is to absorb 

  • Fat globules

  • Water and mineral salts

  • Amino acids

  • Glucose and amino acids

  • Glucose and amino acids


Water pollinated plants have

  • Bright colour

  • Fragrance

  • Nectar

  • Tassels

  • Tassels