Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following animals does not undergo metamorphosis?

  • Earthworm

  • Tunicate

  • Starfish

  • Moth



Metamorphosis refers to the transformation of a larva into an adult.

The animal that performs metamorphosis is said to have indirect development.

In earthworm, development is direct which means no larval stage and hence no metamorphosis.


Select the incorrect match :

  • Lampbrush – Diplotene bivalents chromosomes

  • Allosomes – Sex chromosomes

  • Polytene chromosomes – Oocytes of amphibians

  • Submetacentric chromosome – L-shaped chromosomes

Identify the vertebrate group of animals characterized by crop and gizzard in its digestive system

  • Amphibia

  • Reptilia

  • Osteichthyes

  • Aves

Which of the following terms describe human dentition?

  • Thecodont, Diphyodont, Homodont

  • Thecodont, Diphyodont, Heterodont

  • Pleurodont, Diphyodont, Heterodont

  • Pleurodont, Monophyodont, Homodont

Which of the following features is used to identify a male cockroach from a female cockroach?

  • Presence of a boat-shaped sternum on the 9th abdominal segment

  • Presence of caudal styles

  • Presence of anal cerci

  • Forewings with darker tegmina


Ciliates differ from all other protozoans in

  • using flagella for locomotion

  • having a contractile vacuole for removing excess water

  • having two types of nuclei

  • using pseudopodia for capturing prey

Which of the following organisms are known as chief producers in the oceans?

  • Dinoflagellates

  • Diatoms

  • Euglenoids

  • Cyanobacteria

Nissl bodies are mainly composed of

  • Proteins and lipids

  • DNA and RNA

  • Free ribosomes and RER

  • Nucleic acids and SER

Which of the following events does not occur in rough endoplasmic reticulum?

  • Protein folding

  • Protein glycosylation

  • Phospholipid synthesis

  • Cleavage of signal peptide


Which one of these animals is not a homeotherm?

  • Macropus

  • Chelone

  • Psittacula

  • Camelus