Multiple Choice Questions


Toluene on treatment with CrO3 and (CH3CO)2O followed by hydrolysis with dil. HCl gives

  • benzaldehyde

  • benzoic acid

  • phenol

  • phenylacetaldehyde.




Which ofthe following compounds is not chiral?

  • 1-Chloropentane

  • 2-Chloropentane

  • 1-Chloro-2-methyl pentane

  • 3-Chloro-2-methyl pentane

Which ofthe following molecules will not show optical activity?

The function of AlCl3, in Friedel-Craft's reaction is to

  • absorb HCl

  • absorb water

  • produce nucleophile

  • produce electrophile.

The reaction of an organic compound with ammonia followed by nitration of the product gives a powerful explosive called ROX.The organic compound is

  • phenol

  • toluene

  • glycerine

  • formaldehyde


When phenol reacts with phthalic anhydride in presence of H2SO4 and heated and hot reaction mixture is poured in NaOH solution, then product formed is

  • alizarin

  • methyl orange

  • fluorescein

  • phenolphthalein.

Cumene process is the most important commercial method for the manufacture of phenol. Cumene is

  • iso-propyl benzene

  • ethyl benzene

  • vinyl benzene

  • propyl benzene.

Oxidation product of 1,2-cyclopentanediol with HIO4 gives

  • OHC-(CH2)3-CHO


  • None of these

Which of these compounds is synthesised by chloral?

  • DDT

  • BHC

  • Chloroform

  • Michlers ketone.


Prolonged exposure of fat or oil in moist air and light causes bad smell (rancidity). It is due to

  • formation of C6 - C12 fatty acids

  • formation of ketone and aldehyde

  • both of these causes

  • formation of glycerol.