Multiple Choice Questions


Dysgraphia is associated mainly with difficulties in

  • reading

  • writing

  • drawing

  • listening



Dysgraphia is a deficiency in the ability to write, primarily in terms of handwriting, but also in terms of coherence.


Creative thinking is always

  • destructive

  • constructive

  • convergent

  • monotonous

A good school avoids which of the following?

  • Social responsibility

  • Gender equality

  • Gender bias

  • Gender sensitivity

Theory of learning which only depends on 'observable behaviour' is associated with _________theory of learning.

  • cognitive

  • developmental

  • behavioural

  • constructive

Concrete operation stage of Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory is not characterised by the following abilities

  • Reversibility of thoughts

  • Mental conflict

  • Conservation

  • Use of serial ordering and part-whole concepts


A teacher has to enhance the readiness level of his students. Which will be the best way to do so?

  • By organising a creational activity in classroom related to the particular topic

  • By organising an indoor game in classroom

  • By storytelling method

  • By giving monitoring to one of the student of the class

Child socialisation does not refer to

  • mould basic values

  • a process that occurs at once

  • highlight the formal aspects

  • take ideal expectations seriously

In a 40 min classroom, how will you teach by catering the needs of all students and specially students with special needs?

  • By paying attention on individual

  • By making homogenous group in the classroom

  • By arranging an activity for all students but paying attention to the students with special needs

  • By giving responsibility to any talented student of the class

A motivated child does not show which of the following characteristics?

  • Willingness to learn

  • Involvement in learning

  • Level of aspiration

  • Isolated from the group


Among the following which cannot be the part of CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation)?

  • Cumulative Record

  • Assignments

  • Parents-Teachers Meeting

  • Anecdotal Record