Multiple Choice Questions


According to Kohlberg, the thinking process involved in-judgements about questions of right and wrong is called

  • moral realism

  • moral dilemma

  • morality co-operation

  • moral action


moral dilemma

According to Kohlberg, the thinking process involved in judgements about questions of right and wrong is called a moral dilemma. Kohlberg gave his theory based on his work with children, he interviewed them and presented the dilemmas, based on the responses he gave the stages of moral development in children.  


According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development and his various stages, which one of the following is not a level proposed by him?

  • Ego-centric judgement

  • Interpersonal concordance orientation

  • Individualism and exchange orientaion

  • Social contract legalistic orientation

Which one of the following is not the characteristic of creativity?

  • Flexibility

  • Originality

  • Elaboration

  • Consistency

Which of the following does not reflect teaching for understanding?

  • Ask students to explain a phenomenon or a concept in their own words

  • Teach students to provide examples to illustrate how a law works

  • Help students to see similarities and differences and generate analogies

  • Enable students to memorise isolated facts and procedures

Mrs. Kumar's first child walked at 10 months. Her second child is now 12 months old and still not walking. She is not upset of alarmed because

  • her husband says he did not start walking until he was 14 months old

  • she knows that the longer she waits, the stronger his legs will be for walking

  • a neighbour boy is 18 months old and he is still not walking

  • she knows that he is within the normal time bound for the development of walking


Which stage of development is known as 'Age of stress and storm'?

  • Infancy

  • Childhood

  • Adolescence

  • Adulthood

The effect of relation of heredity and environment on the individual's growth, occurs in one of the following way.

  • Heredity affects the individual

  • Environment affects the individual

  • Heredity+Environment affects the individual

  • None of the above

Heredity is considered as a ________ social structure.

  • primary

  • secondary

  • dynamic

  • static

According to Kohlberg's stages of moral development, the individual regards right or wrong, in terms of complying with the hopes and wishes of other people in the following stage.

  • Stage-1

  • Stage-2

  • Stage-3

  • Stage-4


The speed of teacher's speech may interfere with a student's comprehension of the task if it is too fast or too slow. What a teacher should not do to avoid this?

  • To maintain student's attention by variation of speed

  • To present a new information, use a faster speed of speech

  • To rephrase often, when a teacher's speed is fast

  • Have pauses between major segments of information