Multiple Choice Questions


Fluid intelligence of RB Cattel is equivalent to

  • genetic factors

  • environmental factors

  • intellectual factors

  • social factors


genetic factors

Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to reason and think flexibly. Crystallized intelligence refers to the accumulation of knowledge, facts, and skills that are acquired throughout life.


Which stage is considered as elementary school age according to Freudian stages of development?

  • Oral stage

  • Anal stage

  • Latency stage

  • Phallic stage

Intelligence related to monitor the feeling and emotions of self is referred to

  • Linguistic intelligence

  • Intrapersonal intelligence

  • Spatial intelligence

  • Personal intelligence

Every learner is unique means that

  • no two learners are alike in their abilities, interests, and talents

  • learners do not have any common qualities, nor do they share common goals

  • a common curriculum for all learners is not possible

  • it is impossible to develop the potential of learners in a heterogeneous class

An education is referred as child-centered education when

  • total development of child's personality occurs

  • preference to child's needs, interests and aptitudes are given

  • keeping in view of teacher's own preferences

  • preference is given to the curriculum


During particular period, development is advanced but takes rest in the following period to consolidate his development. It follows the following law of development.

  • Principle of Integration

  • Principle of Continuity

  • Principle of Spiral advancement

  • Principle of Uniform pattern

If a learner 'fails' to achieve the certain goal in classroom, then it shows

  • failure of learner

  • failure of class

  • failure of school

  • failure of parents

A student learns to solve the sums of multiplication. He uses his previous knowledge of 'addition'. This type of transfer of learning is known as

  • positive transfer

  • horizontal transfer

  • vertical transfer

  • bilateral transfer

"All those activities are undertaken by teachers and by their students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged" refers to

  • achievement test

  • assessment

  • examination

  • learning


Inclusion in education refers

  • to provide education to physically disabled children

  • to provide education for mentally retarded children

  • to provide education to boys, girls, and adults

  • acceptance of all pupils within mainstream education system