Multiple Choice Questions


Intelligence includes

  • divergent thinking

  • convergent thinking

  • critical thinking

  • reflective thinking


convergent thinking

Intelligence is one's capacity for logic, understanding self-awareness, learning and problem-solving. It is convergent thinking.


The desire of a person 'to earn name and fame in life' is

  • intrinsic motive

  • extrinsic motive

  • physiological motive

  • psychological motive

The stages of cognitive development according to Jean Piaget known as pre-conceptual period is related to

  • sensory motor stage

  • concrete operations stage

  • pre-operational stage

  • formal operations stage

Enrichment programmes are need for

  • slow learner

  • gifted children

  • average children

  • children with physical disability

Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for formative assessment?

  • Assignment

  • Oral questions

  • Term test

  • Quiz and games


Which is wrong in the process of development of thinking power?

  • Adequacy of knowledge and experiences

  • Adequate motivation

  • Adequate freedom and flexibility

  • Less intelligence and wisdom

Impairment is disturbance at

  • bodily level

  • functional level

  • social level

  • educational level

Evaluation in Science

  • should consist entirely of objective tests in order to be strictly scientific

  • should come only in the end of pupil's activities

  • should be an integral part of all activities

  • should include only content and concepts and omit process and attitude

The statement, "we have people amongst us, some who are tall and some who are short and some are fair and some others who are dark, some people are strong and some others are weak" is based on the established principle of

  • intelligence and sex differences

  • intelligence and racial differences

  • individual dissimilarity

  • individual advancement


What is wrong about heredity in following statements?

  • Heredity determines the sex of the child

  • It contributes significantly towards physical constitution

  • It contributes towards the birth of twins

  • It includes interests, attitudes, likes, dislikes and emotional state of mind