Multiple Choice Questions


While teaching in lower classes, a teacher should prefer

  • lecture method

  • assignment

  • storytelling

  • group discussion



The teaching and learning at the lower level should be concrete and stories at the lower level provide the context for learning.


The stages of cognitive development according to Piaget is followed by

  • sensory motor period, concrete operational period, pre-operational period, formal operational period

  • sensory motor period, pre-operational period, concrete operational period, formal operational period

  • pre-operational period, sensory-motor period, concrete operational period, formal operational period

  • pre-operational period, sensory-motor period, formal operational period, concrete operational period

Which statement is wrong about inclusive school setting?

  • Develops feeling of equality

  • Develops positive self-esteem

  • Develops inferiority complex within the children with special need

  • Boost the moral of special children

Thinking is essentially

  • a conative activity

  • an affective behaviour

  • a cognitive activity

  • a psychomotor process

The field theory of psychology was given by

  • Kurt Lewin

  • Cr Morgan

  • Leon Festinger

  • Henry Goddard


The term emotional revolution is closely associated with

  • infancy

  • childhood

  • adolescence

  • adulthood

The theory of 'multiple intelligence' was developed by

  • Alfred Binet

  • Howard Gardner

  • Francis Galton

  • BS Bloom

Which of the following is not a sign of reading difficulty among young learners?

  • Difficulty in letter and word recognition

  • Difficulty in reading speed and fluency

  • Difficulty in understanding words and ideas

  • Difficulty in spelling consistency 

The stage of human development which is called 'golden age' is

  • infancy

  • childhood

  • adolescence

  • adulthood


The characteristic which is not limited with cooperative situation is

  • face-to-face interaction

  • individual accountability

  • emphasis on tasks

  • teacher-centered