Multiple Choice Questions


According to Jean Piaget, adaptation takes place through

  • Assimilation

  • Accommodation

  • Experiences

  • Assimilation and Accommodation


Assimilation and Accommodation

Jean Piaget viewed intellectual growth as a process of adaptation (adjustment) to the world. This happens in three stages:

(i) Assimilation: Which is using an existing schema to deal with a new object or situation.

(ii) Accommodation: This happens when the existing schema (knowledge) does not work and needs to be changed to deal with a new object or situation.

(iii) Equilibration: The back and forth movement from assimilation to accommodation.


In Constructivism

  • children participate in the process of learning passively

  • education is teacher-centered

  • education is child-centered

  • education is behaviouristic

For building good character in students

  • there should be chapters in the textbook regarding character development

  • lecture should be given for character development

  • the classroom activities should be such that it may promote character building

  • the autobiography of eminent persons should be taught

In which of the following conditions the social and emotional development of the child will occur in good manner?

  • When the child is considered important and his feelings are respected

  • When the child is told to learn more and more

  • When the child gets good marks in the class

  • When the child is taught according to his intellectual level

Which of the following situations will help in the development of creativity?

  • When there will be limited opportunities for learning

  • When children are asked to learn answers

  • When the solution of a problem is told to the student

  • When children are given opportunities to learn on their own


Activity based teaching emphasises

  • active participation by all the students

  • completion of activity in specified time

  • play

  • disciplined class

'If you want to teach the children, learn from the children', indicates

  • Teacher centered education

  • Child-centered education

  • Evaluation centered education

  • Examination centered education

At the upper primary stage there is a need of

  • educational and career guidance

  • educational, career and personal guidance

  • only career guidance

  • only educational guidance

The best way to inculcate moral values in children is

  • by giving moral lectures in the morning assembly

  • putting across a situation and asking students to take action

  • demonstration of moral values by teachers and elders

  • teaching students to differentiate between moral and immoral


There are five students having physical disability in a class. During the games period, they should be

  • seated in a corner so that these children can enjoy watching the game

  • encouraged to take part in the games appropriate for them with other children

  • allowed to take part only in indoor games

  • forced to play with all the students of the class