Multiple Choice Questions


According to Spearman (1904) the ability to reason and solve problems is known as

  • s factor

  • g factor

  • specific intelligence

  • cultural intelligence


g factor

The g factor also known as general intelligence. The existence of the g factor was proposed by Spearman (1904) which is the ability to reason and solve the problems.


According to Psychologists through which of the following methods instincts can be transformed?

  • Correlation

  • Redirection

  • Merging

  • Renewal

Formation of concepts is a _______ process.

  • difficult

  • irregular

  • periodical

  • cumulative

Which one of the following is not the cause of forgetting?

  • Mental conflict

  • Lack of repetition

  • Degree of learning

  • Ability of the teacher

Bandura stated that children acquire responses through modeling, which is also known as.

  • learning through practice

  • learning by insight

  • observational learning

  • learning by reward


Propounder of 'Two-factors theory' of transfer of learning was

  • Thorndike

  • Spearman

  • Judd

  • Guilford

Failing to retain or to be able to recall what has been learnt is called

  • recall

  • forgetting

  • sensation

  • memory

"The dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychokea-physical systems that determine the unique adjustment to his environment", is called

  • personality

  • adjustment

  • sensation

  • character

Normal males have XY chromosomes whereas normal females have

  • XX chromosomes

  • XYY chromosomes

  • XXX chromosome

  • X chromosome


'That point on the scale of scores below which one-half of the scores and above which one half of the scores lie' is called.

  • Mean

  • Mode

  • Median

  • Standard deviation