Multiple Choice Questions


Failing to retain or to be able to recall what has been learnt is called

  • recall

  • forgetting

  • sensation

  • memory



Forgetting or dis-remembering is the apparent loss or modification of information already encoded in long term memory. It is also failing to retain or to be able to recall what has been learned.


According to Spearman (1904) the ability to reason and solve problems is known as

  • s factor

  • g factor

  • specific intelligence

  • cultural intelligence

Propounder of 'Two-factors theory' of transfer of learning was

  • Thorndike

  • Spearman

  • Judd

  • Guilford

Bandura stated that children acquire responses through modeling, which is also known as.

  • learning through practice

  • learning by insight

  • observational learning

  • learning by reward

Which one of the following is not the cause of forgetting?

  • Mental conflict

  • Lack of repetition

  • Degree of learning

  • Ability of the teacher


Normal males have XY chromosomes whereas normal females have

  • XX chromosomes

  • XYY chromosomes

  • XXX chromosome

  • X chromosome

'That point on the scale of scores below which one-half of the scores and above which one half of the scores lie' is called.

  • Mean

  • Mode

  • Median

  • Standard deviation

"The dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychokea-physical systems that determine the unique adjustment to his environment", is called

  • personality

  • adjustment

  • sensation

  • character

Formation of concepts is a _______ process.

  • difficult

  • irregular

  • periodical

  • cumulative


According to Psychologists through which of the following methods instincts can be transformed?

  • Correlation

  • Redirection

  • Merging

  • Renewal