Multiple Choice Questions


According to __________ Id, Ego and Super ego are the three components of personality.

  • Bandura

  • Jung

  • Adler

  • Freud



Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality argues that human behavior is the result of the interaction among three components part of the mind the id, ego, and superego. According to Freud's model of the psyche, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the super-ego operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.


_________ is one of the methods of the graphic presentation of the frequency distribution.

  • Diagram

  • Histogram

  • Monogram

  • Holographic design

While teaching in general class utmost which psychological fact should be taken in attention?

  • Teaching technique

  • Physical capacity

  • Individual difference

  • Family condition

'Psychology first lost its soul, then its mind and then it lost its consciousness, it still has behaviour of a kind' was stated by

  • Titchener

  • Wundt

  • Woodworth

  • McDougall

Latency period in psychosexual development is related to the age range of

  • 2-5 years

  • 6 to puberty

  • 18-20 years

  • 20-22 years


Psychosocial theory of development was proposed by

  • Erikson

  • Freud

  • Kohler

  • Watson

Which behaviourist considers that language is acquired like other behaviours through operant conditioning?

  • Watson

  • Skinner

  • Guthrie

  • Thorndike

Which of the following is not the measure of central tendency?

  • Range

  • Mode

  • Median

  • Mean

Who propounded the theory of trial and error in learning?

  • Pavlov

  • Hegarty

  • Thorndike

  • Hull


According to _______, 'Development of the child is the product of heredity and environment'.

  • Woodworth

  • Garrett

  • Holland

  • Thorndike