Multiple Choice Questions


According to _______, 'Development of the child is the product of heredity and environment'.

  • Woodworth

  • Garrett

  • Holland

  • Thorndike




_________ is one of the methods of the graphic presentation of the frequency distribution.

  • Diagram

  • Histogram

  • Monogram

  • Holographic design

While teaching in general class utmost which psychological fact should be taken in attention?

  • Teaching technique

  • Physical capacity

  • Individual difference

  • Family condition

'Psychology first lost its soul, then its mind and then it lost its consciousness, it still has behaviour of a kind' was stated by

  • Titchener

  • Wundt

  • Woodworth

  • McDougall

Latency period in psychosexual development is related to the age range of

  • 2-5 years

  • 6 to puberty

  • 18-20 years

  • 20-22 years


Psychosocial theory of development was proposed by

  • Erikson

  • Freud

  • Kohler

  • Watson

According to __________ Id, Ego and Super ego are the three components of personality.

  • Bandura

  • Jung

  • Adler

  • Freud

Which behaviourist considers that language is acquired like other behaviours through operant conditioning?

  • Watson

  • Skinner

  • Guthrie

  • Thorndike

Which of the following is not the measure of central tendency?

  • Range

  • Mode

  • Median

  • Mean


Who propounded the theory of trial and error in learning?

  • Pavlov

  • Hegarty

  • Thorndike

  • Hull