Multiple Choice Questions


The name of the theory advocating sudden solution to the problem is

  • Operant learning

  • Theory of insight

  • Trial and Error theory

  • Conditioning


Theory of insight

Insight learning is the abrupt realization of a problem's solution. Insight learning is not the result of trial and error, responding to an environmental stimulus or the result of observing someone else attempting the problem. It is a completely cognitive experience that requires the ability to visualize the problem and the solution internally-in the mind's eye, so to speak-before initiating a behavioral response.


Which of the following is the correct levels of learning?

  • Facts, Knowledge-how, Information, Comprehension, Wisdom

  • Facts, Information, Comprehension, Knowledge-how, Wisdom

  • Facts, Information, Knowledge-how, Comprehension, Wisdom

  • Facts, Comprehension, Information, Knowledge-how, Wisdom

Change in behaviour due to maturation etc is also called learning.

  • No

  • Yes

  • Undecided

  • Sometimes

What is thinking?

  • Use of Symbols

  • Use of Language

  • Perceptual Process

  • Concept Learning

For which category of subjects are the detour problems used?

  • Children

  • Adults

  • Birds

  • Animals


"Sensation is a gateway of knowledge." This statement is

  • Mental Development

  • Physical Development

  • Attention Development

  • Language Development

In individual difference we find

  • Variability

  • Normality

  • Both (A) and (B)

  • None of these

Meredith's study has shown that children of those families are in general _______ which are at a higher social level.

  • less healthy and developed

  • more healthy and developed

  • more healthy but less developed

  • not healthy but developed

What is the number of personality traits analysed by Cattell?

  • 13

  • 15

  • 16

  • 14


Murray created the history by constructing a test, what is that?

  • Ink Blot Test

  • Sentence Completion Test

  • Thematic Apperception Test

  • Rating Scale