Multiple Choice Questions


The number of factors of intelligence according to tridimensional theory is

  • 90

  • 110

  • 135

  • 120



JP Guilford (1961) developed a model of intelligence in which he explained that every intellectual activity can be described in terms of three different basic dimensions, viz. operations the act of thinking, content the terms in which we think like words, symbols etc and products the ideas we develop. He has proposed his tri-dimensional theory of intelligence represented by the cubical model. This model is provided with 120 primary abilities and is a combination of 4 contents, 5 operations and 6 products (4 x 5 x 6 =120 ).


How will you eradicate stealing habit of the students?

  • Giving rewards

  • Through example

  • Scolding

  • Punishment

The practical intelligence is called

  • concrete intelligence

  • abstract intelligence

  • cognitive ability

  • social intelligence

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Dyslexia?

  • Problems with reading accuracy, speed, and comprehension

  • Certainty as to right or left-handedness

  • Slow rate of writing

  • Difficulty in learning and remembering printed words

The object in the environment which an organism tries to attain is called

  • Reinforcement

  • Motive

  • Stimulus

  • Incentive


In the identification of the gifted children we must give priority to

  • the parents' opinion

  • the result of objective tests

  • the teachers' opinion

  • the community's viewpoint

Which is the indirect method of tension reduction?

  • Analysis and Decision

  • Removing the Barrier

  • Substitution of other goals

  • Sublimation

Powerful motivation is effective factor of learning.

  • Child becomes healthy

  • Does meditation

  • Learns rapidly

  • Feels happy

Craft education be given to

  • Retarded child

  • Backward child

  • Common child

  • Gifted child


Research concerned with social problems carried on by the school personnel to improve school practices is

  • Fundamental Research

  • Action Research

  • Social Research

  • None of these