Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Dyslexia?

  • Problems with reading accuracy, speed, and comprehension

  • Certainty as to right or left-handedness

  • Slow rate of writing

  • Difficulty in learning and remembering printed words


Certainty as to right or left-handedness

Dyslexia refers to the child's difficulty with reading, writing, and spelling due to the brain's decreased recognition of symbols. Certainty as to the right or left-handedness is not a characteristic of dyslexia.


How will you eradicate stealing habit of the students?

  • Giving rewards

  • Through example

  • Scolding

  • Punishment

The object in the environment which an organism tries to attain is called

  • Reinforcement

  • Motive

  • Stimulus

  • Incentive

Which is the indirect method of tension reduction?

  • Analysis and Decision

  • Removing the Barrier

  • Substitution of other goals

  • Sublimation

In the identification of the gifted children we must give priority to

  • the parents' opinion

  • the result of objective tests

  • the teachers' opinion

  • the community's viewpoint


Craft education be given to

  • Retarded child

  • Backward child

  • Common child

  • Gifted child

Powerful motivation is effective factor of learning.

  • Child becomes healthy

  • Does meditation

  • Learns rapidly

  • Feels happy

Research concerned with social problems carried on by the school personnel to improve school practices is

  • Fundamental Research

  • Action Research

  • Social Research

  • None of these

The practical intelligence is called

  • concrete intelligence

  • abstract intelligence

  • cognitive ability

  • social intelligence


The number of factors of intelligence according to tridimensional theory is

  • 90

  • 110

  • 135

  • 120