Multiple Choice Questions


Social learning theory of personality was given by

  • Bandura and Walters

  • Dollard and Miller

  • Carl Rogers

  • Jung


Bandura and Walters

Social learning theory integrated behavioural and cognitive theories of learning in order to provide a comprehensive model that could account for the wide range of learning experiences that occur in the real world. It is initially outlined by Bandura and Walters in 1963 and further detailed in 1977.


Mirror Drawing Test is used to measure which of the following?

  • Personality

  • Intelligence

  • Learning

  • Morality

..................... is one of the measures of central tendency.

  • Range

  • Median

  • Average Deviation

  • Standard Deviation

Find the odd one out amongst following.

  • TAT

  • 16-PF

  • Cloud Picture Test

  • Draw-a-man Test

The concept of developmental task was proposed by

  • Hollingworth

  • Jean Piaget

  • Havighurst

  • Hall


Escape learning is based on

  • Positive reinforcement

  • Negative reinforcement

  • Delayed reinforcement

  • Omission reinforcement

................... is one of the primary laws of learning.

  • Law of attitude

  • Law of effect

  • Law of analogy

  • Law of associative shifting

Which of the following involves a longitudinal approach of investigation?

  • Case Study

  • Experimentation

  • Survey

  • Introspection

When a person's learning in one situation influences his learning and performance in another situation. It is called.

  • Thinking

  • Memory

  • Transfer of learning

  • Intellectual development


According to G Wallas the first stage in creative thinking is

  • incubation

  • illumination

  • evaluation

  • preparation