Multiple Choice Questions


..................... is one of the measures of central tendency.

  • Range

  • Median

  • Average Deviation

  • Standard Deviation




Social learning theory of personality was given by

  • Bandura and Walters

  • Dollard and Miller

  • Carl Rogers

  • Jung

Mirror Drawing Test is used to measure which of the following?

  • Personality

  • Intelligence

  • Learning

  • Morality

Find the odd one out amongst following.

  • TAT

  • 16-PF

  • Cloud Picture Test

  • Draw-a-man Test

The concept of developmental task was proposed by

  • Hollingworth

  • Jean Piaget

  • Havighurst

  • Hall


Escape learning is based on

  • Positive reinforcement

  • Negative reinforcement

  • Delayed reinforcement

  • Omission reinforcement

................... is one of the primary laws of learning.

  • Law of attitude

  • Law of effect

  • Law of analogy

  • Law of associative shifting

Which of the following involves a longitudinal approach of investigation?

  • Case Study

  • Experimentation

  • Survey

  • Introspection

When a person's learning in one situation influences his learning and performance in another situation. It is called.

  • Thinking

  • Memory

  • Transfer of learning

  • Intellectual development


According to G Wallas the first stage in creative thinking is

  • incubation

  • illumination

  • evaluation

  • preparation