Multiple Choice Questions


Who is associated with 'Gestalt Theory of Learning' from the following?

  • Pavlov

  • Skinner

  • Thorndike

  • Kohler



'Gestalt Theory of Learning' is introduced by Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler in 1922. It is a revolt against a stimulus-response approach to learning. The Gestalt School made a strong attack on Thorndike's theory of trial and error and asserted learning was not stamping in of correct responses through trials and errors.


The principle of trial and error was propounded by

  • Pavlov

  • Hegarty

  • Thorndike

  • Ross

'Personality is the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psycho-physical systems that determine the unique adjustment to his environment.' The definition was given by

  • ML Munn

  • S Freud

  • GW Allport

  • JE Dashiell

The component of language referring to rules governing the structure and sequences of speed of sounds.

  • Semantics

  • Grammar

  • Phonology

  • None of these

According to Woodworth, it is not a dimension of memory.

  • Retention

  • Recall

  • Recognition

  • Reasoning


TAT was designed by.

  • Rorschach

  • Allport

  • Maslow

  • Murray

Blocking of behaviour that is directed towards a goal is.

  • emotion

  • motivation

  • frustration

  • aggression

Which factor influences the colour of eye?

  • Environment

  • Heredity

  • Hormones

  • Society

'Basal' age is related to which measurement from the following?

  • Interest

  • Personality

  • Intelligence

  • Attention


A child when scolded in class by a teacher returns home and shows anger to his/her sister is an example of

  • Displacement

  • Sublimation

  • Conversion

  • Reaction formation