
Multiple Choice Questions

Find the odd one.

  • TAT

  • 16 PF

  • Raven's test

  • Draw-a-Man test

Kretschmer has classified the persons in which one of the following main types?

  • Asthenic

  • Athletic

  • Pyknic

  • All of these

The right to free and compulsory education for children between the age group of 6-14 has been included in the Indian Constitution as

  • Article 26

  • Article 15

  • Article 45

  • Article 21 A

The purpose of TET is to measure which of the following?

  • Intelligence

  • Aptitude

  • Attitude

  • Values


Consolidation theory explains which of the following?

  • Learning

  • Motivation

  • Memory

  • Creativity

Albert Bandura is associated with which of the following?

  • Social learning theory

  • Behavioural theory

  • Cognitive development theory

  • Psychosexual development

Cloud picture test is used to measure which of the following?

  • Intelligence

  • Personality

  • Aptitude

  • Interest

Which of the following is the most subjective method of educational psychology?

  • Introspection

  • Extrospection

  • Observation


Plateau in learning curve is caused due to

  • maturation

  • motivation

  • fatigue

  • interest

Mirror drawing test is used to measure

  • rate of learning

  • transfer of learning

  • creativity

  • interest