Multiple Choice Questions


Kretschmer has classified the persons in which one of the following main types?

  • Asthenic

  • Athletic

  • Pyknic

  • All of these


All of these

a. Pyknic type:
These are people who are short and having a round body. They will have personality traits of extraverts. These people are more prone to suffer from a mental disorder called Manic Depressive Psychosis (MDP).

b. Asthenic type:
These people will have a slender or slim body. They will have the personality traits of introverts. These people are more prone to suffer from a serious mental disorder called Schizophrenia.

c. Athletic type:
These people will have strong body. They are more energetic and aggressive. They will be strong enough, determined, adventurous and balanced. They are comparable with ambiverts. They are more prone to suffer from MDP.

d. Dysplastic type:
These people will have an unproportionate body and do not belong to any of the three types mentioned above. This disproportion is due to hormonal imbalance. Their behaviour and personality are also imbalanced.


Which of the following is the most subjective method of educational psychology?

  • Introspection

  • Extrospection

  • Observation

Cloud picture test is used to measure which of the following?

  • Intelligence

  • Personality

  • Aptitude

  • Interest

The purpose of TET is to measure which of the following?

  • Intelligence

  • Aptitude

  • Attitude

  • Values

Find the odd one.

  • TAT

  • 16 PF

  • Raven's test

  • Draw-a-Man test


Plateau in learning curve is caused due to

  • maturation

  • motivation

  • fatigue

  • interest

Consolidation theory explains which of the following?

  • Learning

  • Motivation

  • Memory

  • Creativity

Mirror drawing test is used to measure

  • rate of learning

  • transfer of learning

  • creativity

  • interest

The right to free and compulsory education for children between the age group of 6-14 has been included in the Indian Constitution as

  • Article 26

  • Article 15

  • Article 45

  • Article 21 A


Albert Bandura is associated with which of the following?

  • Social learning theory

  • Behavioural theory

  • Cognitive development theory

  • Psychosexual development