Multiple Choice Questions


Zajonc believes that cognition and emotion are

  • independent

  • interrelated

  • integrated

  • interdependent



American Social Psychologist Robert Zajonc believed that emotion is independent of cognition. He focussed on processes involved in social behaviour with emphasis on the relationship between affect, emotion, and cognition.


When children think to interpret the received information according to their experiences, it is called

  • Creative thinking

  • Abstract thinking

  • Concrete thinking

  • Reflective thinking

A teacher is teaching children by demonstration of a task to correct the performances of an already learned task. He is using ________ method of teaching.

  • observation

  • correction

  • modelling

  • imitation

According to Mann and Janis, decision-maker children analyse the problem, list the alternatives and weigh each option for its advantages and disadvantages. His behavior reflects

  • vigilant

  • autocratic

  • outgoing

  • surveillance

________ involves self-awareness and control of cognitive abilities, e.g. planning, reviewing and revising, etc.

  • Metacognition

  • Cognition

  • Accommodation

  • Centration


Maintenance is the specific stage of learning which is antecedent to stage of learning.

  • motivation

  • generalisation

  • independent

  • acquisition

Teaching learners at varying levels of difficulty based on the ability of individual learner is known as

  • Selective instruction

  • Precision teaching

  • Errorless instruction

  • Differentiated instruction

Children with individual differences should be taught in a school having teachers

  • trained to use different pedagogy to meet their diverse learning needs

  • trained to teach children with specific individual differences

  • trained to make them homogeneous learners

  • to teach in different sections of classrooms based on their individual differences.

Providing teaching-learning materials in accessible formats to the diverse learners implies

  • Universal Code of Teaching Practices

  • Universal Humanistic Approach of Teaching

  • Universal Design of Learning

  • Universal Inclusive Education Ethical Considerate


The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 ensures the Rights of Children with disabilities to free education from

  • 3 years to 18 years

  • 6 years to 14 years

  • 6 years to 22 years

  • 6 years to 18 years